0797-20-7581 営業時間:火曜日-木曜日 11:00-22:00 (事務局は11:00-18:00) info@wildenglish.jp


We believe that learning should be an enjoyable and motivating experience, resulting in new and enhanced skills and knowledge, leading to greater confidence, self awareness and better opportunities for the future. Using the concept of STEM-ECA, Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics combined with English and Creative Arts, we bring English learning to life through the integration of English language in natural and authentic educational settings. Finally, we aim to support the development of unique individuals, building skills that will be useful throughout their lives, such as working as a team, thinking critically, solving problems, sharing ideas and opinions and learning how to learn.




Stephen Jupp


Born and raised in England, North Yorkshire. Certified in CELTA, CELTA YLX, “Cambridge RSA certificate in teaching English” qualification. Worked for Reuters as a Head Representative for Asia for over 12 years. 


Matthew Boyd

Events Coordinator

From England, North Yorkshire. British. Graduated from York university majored in HND Drama, film and stage management,  Certified Teacher from Guilford College London “Cambridge RSA certificate in teaching English” qualification.


Sayaka Kawai


Born in Kobe. Graduated from Kwansei Gakuin University. Worked as an inhouse translator for a translating company. Certified in Eiken gread 1 and scored 975 in TOEIC. Experienced English tutor for students from elementary school to high school.